That is a question that you might be asking soon after you sign up for the Google Adsense program. So often people are disappointed that they are only making around $1/day several months after signing up and creating their own website.
Yet you’ve probably heard of people who earn <I>good money</I> from Adsense, for example, John Reese earned over £500,000 in the past year and Michael Cheney regularly makes over $19000 per month (and that’s not including affiliate sales!). You may not wish to be in the big league with them, but it certainly gives you the idea that there’s big money to be made if you just know what to do.
Basically, if you’re not hitting at least $1/day after six months, you urgently need to take some advice about getting more traffic to your site and also your use and placement of Google Ads.
I think that it’s important to remember that it takes time to build up your income, but that it does gradually build as the search engines find your site, as you build more pages and as you build more links to your site.
The key to Adsense is to create content – you can do this by creating more pages or by creating more sites. For example, if you have one site that is earning just $1/day, that’s $30/month. Ten sites like that will give you an income of $300/month, fifty sites will give you an income of $1500/month and so on. You get the idea!
Obviously you’ll want to set up, build and test one website to start off with and then add other sites later on.
However, do be very careful if you are considering buying an Adsense Ready website – some of these may contain duplicate content which the search engines can spot a mile away. You could end up with plenty of content that you’ve paid good money for but very few visitors. Creating your own content is the key – either by writing it yourself , by using free articles from Article Directories such as Ezine Articles and then adding your own introduction to make them unique or you can even pay someone to create content for you via Elance. If you haven’t got the time or patience to set up your own website, then you can buy existing websites for sale at places like Sedo and simply add your Adsensecode to them.
Once you’ve started to build up an income, then you can start to experiment with placing and colour of your ads. If you can improve your click through rate (CTR) on your ads, then you can make more money from the same level of traffic. This is somewhere it can really pay to listen to the experts, just one eBook that I downloaded more than tripled the income from my own sites. Also, read up as much free information as you can, sign up for courses from the experts and try out new ideas. If you can get your CTR into double figures you’ll be doing OK, although rumour has it that some of the experts have much higher click through’s than that. Because it’s against Googles terms and conditions to share this information, comparative figures are not readily available, however, by testing out ideas on your own site you’ll be able to find out what works for you and your sites.
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