Google AdSense is an advertising tool in which you allow for an affiliate site advertisement to appear on your site. This affiliate site link is offered to you through Google AdSense after application approval. Your sites content is automatically crawled for specific content so that ads relating to your site content are the only ads to appear on your site. You earn money when site viewers click on an AdSense advertisement. This advertising method is therefore twice as helpful since you are able to earn additional money while offering your customers a helpful service. You are providing links that will appeal to their search needs. An example of this is a site offering baking tips. An AdSense ad-linking customers to a site offering baking supply merchandise can be a great help to site viewers.
The process for Google AdSense set up is simple. Your first step in becoming an AdSense publisher is to fill out a free online application. In order to qualify you must have a launched site with acceptable content and a valid URL. Acceptable content refers to the information that is included within your site. If there is any information pertaining to violence, racism, pornography, computer hacking, illegal drugs, gambling, profanity or any other content seen as inappropriate by the Google team, the site will be deemed as having unacceptable content and can be refused forAdSense advertising. Another requirement is a valid payee name and mailing address to receive payments.
You receive payments through an electronic fund transfer (ETF) where funds are sent directly to your bank account with no hassles or interaction. Any time a site visitor clicks on an AdSense ad you earn a portion of the advertisers payment. You cannot encourage visitors to click on the featured ads. You can state that they are sponsored links, but you cannot tell viewers to visit them or click on them or list the sites as a favorite. You are also warned not to set up any method to create invalid clicks. If any artificial clicks by robots or automated methods are found to be in use your account will be disabled.
If you follow all of the guidelines and or program policies set in place by Google AdSense you will be pleased with your decision to join this advertising campaign. You will see that only appropriate site content related ads would appear on your site. Due to the use of a competitive ad filter, specific competitions ads will not appear. Only relevant ads that will be useful to your site visitors will be attached to your site. You can feel confident about the ads that appear on your site as the Google team performs editorial reviews to ensure that only appropriate ads appear.
With easy to use advertising and solid guidelines for customer protection, Google AdSense simply makes sense. The benefits are many and there is little to no downside to this marketing tool. Information on this process is clear, concise and easy to follow as you ad this helpful tool to your site.
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